
75. Which of the following statements best describes the role of a configuration management tool in software engineering?


72. An efficient transformation method which produces a parallel mirror image of an object is also referred as,


74. Consider the following three processes in the FCFS. Process ID. Brust-time Arrival-time P1 3 3 P2 6 6 P3 9 9 What is the average waiting time?


78. Which of the following activation functions is commonly used for the output layer of a binary classification neural network?


77. Greedy Best-First Search is an informed search algorithm that:


79. Effective monthly interest rate will be …………., if nominal interest rate of 10% accounted for continuous compounding


80. By considering following activities of a project, the project duration will be Activity A B C D E Immediate predecessors - - - C A, B, D Duration (days) 4 5 3 7 5


70. A data packet of size 1500 bytes is to be transmitted over a network crossing 2 routers in between. Each network layer adds a header of 20 bytes. The packet is then encapsulated by a data link layer that adds a header of 30 bytes and a trailer of 10 bytes. What is the total size of the packet, including all headers and the data payload?


71. Consider CFG with {S,A,B} as the non-terminal alphabet, {a,b} as the terminal alphabet, S as the start symbol and the following set of production rules S->aB S->bA B->aB->bS A->aS B->aBB A-> bAA which of the following strings is generated by grammar?


Output of the program below will be -------------

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