Blog CITES listed Fauna and Flora of Nepal

By Simple Quiz, Published on Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The roof of the globe, Nepal, is concealed among the enormous Himalayas, being surrounded by China from the north and India from the east, south, and west. The climate helps support a variety of animals, including several uncommon species. However, they are in danger of going extinct due to overhunting, poaching, habitat damage, and climate change. It takes up a region of 47,181 square kilometers, or 0.03% of the planet's total surface and 0.3% of all of Asia. Although having such a little land area, it contains a wide variety of geography. Also, some of the world's rarest and most endangered plant and animal species can be found in these various topographies. The richness of flora and fauna is a result of the county's varied climatic conditions, which are altered in part by the fluctuating height. ..

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