
Importance of crown width is"


Seth and Lohani have prepared bark thickness table and have worked out the following equation for it, y = 0.8995 + 0.31729x - 0.0002804x� for which species


Chacko concluded that the cross sections of steams can neither be considered as circles nor ellipses based on the study on which species


Who studied the linear modals between crown width, d.b.h; and tree height in the case of Shorea robusta trees


Who devise a simple instrument to measure the lean of trees"


Who obtained the model of relation between height and diameter"


The form of a tree can be studied by which way"


Not withstanding its unrealibility as a measure of tree form the artificial form factor is universally used because"


The disadvantages of the normal or true form factor is"


Depending on the volume represented, form factors are classified into

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